
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Whoa 2010

well it's come and gone folks, how's your year been? mine? i can't complain...been awhile i know, but i got a camera finally so maybe that will help bring back some of energy i had into bloggin again. what have i been up to? lots of shows, lots of shopping, lots of time with friends...wish i had documented it all but i haven't and with all the random tweeting it seems like i don't have to so if you don't follow me on twitter get on that shit www.twitter.com/kanjaychedda anyways much love and all the best in the new year. peace!



  1. Hey man, I saw a post you made on an old basketball forum, about your collection of MJ games on VHS...

    I would love to work out some kind of deal with you, I have a STACK of games on VHS too, all MJ.

    Hope to hear from you soon: rairjordan@gmail.com

    Please e-mail me? Thanks in advance.

  2. I want in on this deal!.....I'll put them on dvd for you....unless you got a guy already.

  3. haha saint i'll pass the vids over to you since i got no way to put vhs on to dvd, and rair jordan if this gets done i'll be in touch.
