Hey young world...We've got a lot of catching up to do don't we? well I've been all over the place really, and i've been doing a little too much drinking to be honest. But since we've got so much catching up I'll get straight to it. I'm gonna take you back to about a month ago to this little adventure I had. For those who know me, you know that I'm definitely not the outdoorsman, I don't bask in the sunlight, i don't frolic through the meadows, I don't do outdoors stuff. Never have i been camping, haven't gone fishing since i was five, yadda yadda yadda. BUT i'm a very open minded guy and am always willing to give anything a whirl, so when i was asked to go for a hike i thought, sure why not? and that's how my journey began....
(So the day started off great! scenery was beautiful and there were deers just walkin around like it ain't no thang)
(and all we could see around us was TREES!!!!)
(We had to call 911 and these dudes went up and down the lake blowin their horn till they got closer and we had to alert them lol)
(yup we got rescued by boat! wtf?)
(so what started out as a hike turned out as a boat ride on the lake)
(and landed me in the back of a rcmp squadron)
(but it all worked out beautifully in the end. thx babe!)